
SPartans Fitness GYm

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Featured Programs

Fitness programs encompass a wide range of structured approaches to improving physical health, performance, and overall well-being.

Personal Training

After determining their client’s fitness levels and discussing their objectives, personal trainers create a programme that combines cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises and Helps to achieve fitness goals like body composition, muscle building, and fat loss.

fat loss

The concept of “fat loss” represents the reduction of body fat, which is usually accomplished by combining lifestyle, exercise, and dietary adjustments. Your body breaks down fat tissue that has been stored in order to use it as energy, which lowers your percentage of body fat overall.

Muscle building

The process of growing skeletal muscle mass and strength via resistance training, a healthy diet, and rest is known as muscle building. It is a crucial part of strength training, and people who want to get healthier in general and look greater or perform better athletically seek it out.


Spartan Fitness is a well equipped gym with experienced trainers. The trainers are easily approachable and always available. This one is really a beginners friendly. Gym trainers will guide you for workouts as well as help you to make a custom diet plans.
For all gym enthusiast out there, spartans is lit!
Mohan Saravanan

Perfect gym with the necessary equipment. I have tried all the gyms in Salem. Every gym has more unnecessary equipment and a lot of treadmills. But this gym has good machines that target the muscles perfectly. The trainers are very friendly




Gym H0urs

Monday-Friday: 5am – 9:30pm

Saturday: 5am – 9:30pm

Sunday: 6am – 9pm

2 days Free Steam access with annual memberships